Location Central Alabama

Expert As-Built Survey Services in Columbiana Al

As-Built Survey Services by Southern Cross

Southern Cross has streamlined the process for the As-Built Survey. We recognize the urgent turnaround often required for this type of survey and have implemented techniques to collect survey information and data more quickly than before.

Despite the speed, we maintain the quality, accuracy, and integrity associated with the survey profession. Call us at (205) 685-5300 to see how we can meet your next deadline.

Purpose and Importance of As-Built Surveys

The main goal of an As-Built Survey is typically to map post-construction structures and grades. It's common for the actual location of completed structures to deviate somewhat from the original plans.
Ensuring Project Compliance

The information compiled by an As-Built Survey is crucial in determining and verifying if the project was constructed within specific tolerances. Precise measurements and detailed drafting are necessary to create a legible and accurate survey. This, in turn, effectively illustrates the critical features of a post-construction survey.

Why Choose Southern Cross for Your As-Built Surveys?

Our proficiency, capability, and meticulous attention to detail make Southern Cross an ideal choice for any As-Built Survey requirements you might have.

Get an Estimate Today

To obtain an estimate for an As-Built Survey, reach out to Clayton at (205) 685-5300.

For any inquiries call now

(205) 685-5300

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21074 Hwy 25
Columbiana, Al 35051

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